Saturday, 31 May 2008

Next meeting June 3rd

The wiki page now has content for our June 3rd meeting. Please see
Suggested topic is "Leading From Below". Other suggestions welcome!

I'll be there if anyone else will. - Nancy V.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

2008-06-02 - preparation for meeting

The xpdeveloper Wiki we've been using seems to have been down for over a week. As I'm not sure who is maintaining it I've no idea of an ETA for it being restored.

In any case, if people want to drop ideas for discussion or notes that they'll be coming into blog comments we can communicate that way.

If someone has time to write a comment giving details of location and time it would be appreciated - we'll get them onto the Blog's front page.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Developer group meetings

At the last meeting there was a brief discussion of developer groups meeting around the country. I thought the following links might be of interest:

The ACCU's developer groups. (Do we want to be listed here?)

The Extreme Tuesday Club

The Linux User Groups also have a strong developer representation:

South West Agile Group

2008-05-12 Meeting

It was interesting to return to SomethingInNottingham after a long absence - no familiar faces. But we found each other.

Most of the conversation was "getting to know" each other's perspective on software development and the role of "Agile". We had a range of developers present - from small teams with one set of fingers on the codebase to large geographically dispersed teams. Even so, a lot of common ground.

One issue we discussed at length was Outsourcing - everyone had bad experiences to relate. I'm not sure if it was in this context, but Andrew Murphy volunteered an experience report for the next meeting.

In view of the bank holiday, I've set the next meeting in three weeks time. (But if people want to meet next week they have my permission. I might even turn up.)